Reduce Clutter and Achieve Financial Simplicity

Achieve Financial Simplicity

For most people, money and finances are more difficult to talk about than sex. Let the record reflect that I am neither a financial planner nor a sex therapist, but I am what you might call frugal (not to be confused with cheap). How do you view money? Do you see it as something to…

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Perfectionism Kills Confidence and Productivity

An excerpt from our book, A Woman’s Way: Empowering Female Financial Advisors to Authentically Lead and Flourish in a Man’s World Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. We feel so good about ourselves because we can do it all (we think better than anyone else). However, we become our own worst enemy by insisting…

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Is Working Long Hours Worth It?

We often hear our clients say that they work 50, 60, 70, 80 (and sometimes even more) hours per week. Is this healthy and productive? The answer is most likely no. The time that you use to work overtime has to come from somewhere. Many times, we sacrifice family time; but often times, we give…

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