Michelle R. Donovan is known for her ability to help our clients gain focus and hold them accountable to achieve exceptional results. As a referral coach and business consultant, Michelle has dramatically impacted many firms’ bottom line. She has helped many financial firms crush their sales goals allowing them to expand to the point of bringing on more employees which often has required larger office spaces. Michelle’s clients typically surpass their personal best in business development, often doubling their performance in the first year.
Michelle’s determination and focus have given her the ability to complete incredible tasks. Among her favorites include co-authoring Amazon Best-Seller A Woman’s Way – Empowering Female Financial Advisors to Authentically Lead and Flourish in a Man’s World, writing Wall Street Journal Best Selling book, The 29% Solution, currently published in 7 languages, completing a Master’s Degree in Adult Education while working full time and owning a successful Referral Institute franchise for 11 years. She also won an amateur body building contest in college, completed two MS-150 mile bike rides and has become the “eyes” for her dog Tucker who went blind unexpectedly overnight.
As a speaker, Michelle has presented at several international, national and local conferences. Her practical application and no-nonsense approach often make her a crowd favorite at conferences. Audiences respond well to Michelle because she is committed to teaching them something of value that they can immediately put into action while engaging their mind and holding their attention. She is known for combining meaningful substance through real-life application to learning.
Ever since she was a kid, Michelle prefers to be outside any chance she gets. She favors being in her kayak on a lake with a fishing pole in her hand. She remembers the countless hours she spent fishing with her dad and/or her grandpap by her side. She loves to walk her dogs, play in the garden or make homemade wine. If you can’t find her, she probably doesn’t want to be found.