Freedom: Four Must-Haves for a Lifestyle Practice

Must-Haves for a Lifestyle Practice

A lifestyle practice is all the buzz right now. Many financial advisors chose to get into the business because they like the freedom associated with running their own practice. They like helping people secure a worry-free retirement while still being able to attend their own kid’s soccer game on Thursday evening. They like being able…

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Are you paying attention to the rhythm of your financial practice?

rhythm of your financial practice

According to marketing consultant Dan Allison, president of Feedback Marketing Group, advisors lose out on 80 percent of potential referrals because their clients can’t properly articulate the services their advisors offer. Recent studies from Absolute Engagement showed that 82% of high net worth clients don’t refer because they claim to not know anyone who they…

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Poor Time Management?

Poor Time Management

The two biggest time wasters for most financial planners are: They don’t plan their day They are disorganized physically, mentally, emotionally, and with their time The two things that can be done to put a stop to these time wasters: Plan your day Be more organized Sound oversimplified? Maybe, but without fixing these issues, your…

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Energize Your Clients to Refer You

Energize Your Clients to Refer You

Seven seconds. Did you know that within seven seconds of meeting you people have already made up their minds about you? That’s astounding but true. Our world seems to be getting even more opinionated so we wouldn’t be surprised if that number is actually less than seven. In fact, sometimes people form an opinion about…

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Heat Up Your Referral Opportunities!

Heat Up Your Referral Opportunities!

Most financial advisors work to develop relationships with other professionals (COIs-centers of influence) to generate more referral opportunities.  Ironically, one of the most frequent complaints we hear from advisors is that their relationships with other professionals (i.e. CPAs, Estate Attorneys, Bankers, Insurance, etc.) tend to be one-sided. They give referrals to other people while seeing…

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Reduce Clutter and Achieve Financial Simplicity

Achieve Financial Simplicity

For most people, money and finances are more difficult to talk about than sex. Let the record reflect that I am neither a financial planner nor a sex therapist, but I am what you might call frugal (not to be confused with cheap). How do you view money? Do you see it as something to…

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Perfectionism Kills Confidence and Productivity

An excerpt from our book, A Woman’s Way: Empowering Female Financial Advisors to Authentically Lead and Flourish in a Man’s World Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. We feel so good about ourselves because we can do it all (we think better than anyone else). However, we become our own worst enemy by insisting…

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Is Working Long Hours Worth It?

We often hear our clients say that they work 50, 60, 70, 80 (and sometimes even more) hours per week. Is this healthy and productive? The answer is most likely no. The time that you use to work overtime has to come from somewhere. Many times, we sacrifice family time; but often times, we give…

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Freedom Rings: Four Essentials to a Lifestyle Practice

Lifestyle Practice

Many financial advisors chose to get into the profession because they like the lifestyle freedom associated with running their own practice. They like helping people secure a worry-free retirement while still being able to attend their own kid’s soccer game on Thursday evening. They like being able to support their family with ample revenue and…

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Stretching Exercises for Your Financial Practice

Webster says this about the word “stretch”: “Stretch: To draw out to the full or fuller length, breadth, or extent”. A few years ago, I had an index finger on my left hand that seemed to go numb quite often. It was beginning to get ridiculous and it was also beginning to travel up my arm.…

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